3 Ways to Turn Clothes Waste into Useful!

By Tim Indonesia Asri


Fashion Trend Facts

The changing fashion trends make us want to add to our collection of clothes to make us look more attractive. Starting from the tie-dye trend, bucket hat, oversized jacket to 90s fashion items such as cutbray jeans are popular and in demand again.

Especially with the presence of technology, Warga Asri are increasingly facilitated to access the latest fashion and shop online for the contents of their closets.

Unfortunately, this behavior is often not balanced with the behavior of processing clothing waste. According to YouGov, 66% of Indonesian adults throw away at least one piece of clothing within a year. In fact, three out of 10 Indonesians have thrown away clothes after only wearing them once.

Data from the National Waste Management Information System (SIPSN) shows that cloth waste accounts for 2.7% of the total waste volume in 2023. Although relatively small, the amount of clothing waste that is being disposed of is predicted to increase.

Then how do you deal with it? Warga Asri can make simple efforts to manage clothing waste by listening to this article!

Read also: Organic and Inorganic Waste: 6 Differences You Can’t Miss!


Donate Unused Clothes

Don’t let unused clothes become trash. Instead of throwing them away, giving them to thrift stores or non-profit organizations with programs to help underprivileged communities is better.

Warga Asri can also donate used clothes, especially old towels or sheets, to animal shelters. Usually, these items will be used to line the cages or dry the animals.


Compost Material

Yup, Warga Asri didn’t read that wrong! Apparently, clothes and other textiles can be a good compost material. This is because the composition of compost consists of 25% fabric pieces and 75% organic material.

Clothes or fabrics that can be used as compost material must be made of natural fibers, such as pure wool, cotton, silk, or linen. The method is relatively easy, cutting it into smaller pieces to speed up the composting process.

However, Warga Asri must also ensure that the clothes or fabrics used as compost material do not contain plastics and metals, such as buttons and zippers, let alone stains from non-compostable substances, such as motor oil and paint.


Reworked Fashion

Old clothes that have accumulated can also be reprocessed into new clothes by applying the concept of reworked fashion. So, existing used clothes are combined and designed into new clothes to make them more attractive and fashionable.

The results of reworked fashion are not only used as clothes. Warga Asri can also customize them into items like blankets, aprons, and carpets. Dont worry if you have never made it, Warga Asri can easily find online tutorials!

If Warga Asri consistently do it, it can become a new business that brings profit and even has the potential to help empower home tailors. Reworked fashion clothes usually have a higher price. So what are you waiting for? Are you interested in trying it?

Read also: Don’t Throw It Away Just Yet, Your Skincare Containers Have Value!

By Tim Indonesia Asri
A campaign initiated by Chandra Asri to jointly create a more beautiful Indonesia; An Indonesia with a sustainable environmental perspective can become a legacy for future generations.
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