Congratulations to the 10 Best Writing Entries in the #IndonesiaAsri Journalism Competition!



After a thorough evaluation process of dozens of informative and educational journalistic works, the #IndonesiaAsri team has selected the 10 best writings as winners of this competition. Through this announcement, we extend our appreciation and congratulations to all the winners.

During the judging process, we were impressed by the variety of ideas and creativity demonstrated by fellow journalists in developing stories that highlight the importance of adopting sustainable lifestyles, implementing circular economies, and managing waste sustainably. The 10 best writings will be featured on the microsite, serving as an inspiration for creating a new standard of living that prioritizes an understanding of sustainable environments.

Here are the 10 best entries of #IndonesiaAsri:

Article Title: Kenapa Manusia Punya Peran Penting dalam Upaya Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup?

Writer         : Ayu Amalya Ma’as

Media           :

Article Title: Ini Pentingnya Peran Perempuan dalam Menjalankan Gaya Hidup Berkelanjutan

Writer         : Citra Narada Putri

Media           : Parapuan

Article Title: Apa Itu Ekonomi Sirkular? Ini Aksi Nyata Ekonomi Sirkular untuk Lingkungan Kita

Writer         : Virdita Rizki Ratriani

Media           : Kontan

Article Title: Peran Penting Gen Z Sebarkan Konten tentang Sustainability, Harus Cek Kelayakan Data Sebelum Diunggah

Writer         : Farrel Gerard

Media           : Liputan6

Article Title: Bersih-Bersih Sampah Digital dengan Digital Decluttering Itu Penting, Yuk Sering Lakukan! 

Writer         : Hayuning Ratri Hapsari

Media           :

Article Title: Para Ibu Bisa Ikut Selamatkan Bumi dari Krisis Iklim, Ini Caranya

Writer         : Dinno Baskoro

Media           :

Article Title: Generasi Muda Harus Peduli Akan Lingkungan Hidup

Writer         : Didan Nahdiar Sardjono

Media           : Asrinesia

Article Title: Contoh gaya hidup berkelanjutan di sekolah

Writer         : Umi Zuhriyah

Media           :

Article Title: Bergerak dari Akar Rumput, Tercipta 150 Bank Sampah di Solo

Writer         : Danur Lambang Pristiandaru

Media           :

Article Title: Cara Mengajarkan Anak Sustainable Living untuk Kebaikan Lingkungan

Writer         : Novy Agrina

Media           : Pop Mama


Congratulations to the journalists whose writings have been selected! The prize distribution mechanism will be coordinated by the #IndonesiaAsri team.

Thank you!


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