9 Environmental Care Activity Ideas for Sustainable Nature

By Tim Indonesia Asri

There are many environmental care activities you can do, and one of them is recycling organic waste. Besides, you can also do other activities, either independently or with a community, to preserve the environment.

Then, what environmental care activities can you do? This article discusses environmental care activities that can be easily done, so read until the end!

Environmental Care Activity Ideas

There are many environmental care activities that you can do to maintain the cleanliness and sustainability of the surrounding environment.

The activities are relatively simple and can be done by anyone. The following are environmental care activities that you can do:

1. Dispose of Waste Wisely

Dispose of Waste Wisely

The first environmental care activity you can do is dispose of waste wisely. This may sound trivial enough, but it can impact the environment.

If the waste is thrown in the river, on the street, or in the gutter, the environment becomes polluted. In fact, waste can block the flow of water in rivers and gutters, making water overflow and increasing the risk of flooding.

Dispose of waste wisely also becomes a form of community responsibility in creating a clean and healthy environment.

2. Save Water and Energy

Save Water and Energy

The next activity is saving water and energy. This activity can prevent running out of energy and water in the future.

Some activities that you can do are turning off the lights when not in use, using enough water, not using air conditioning excessively, and so on.

3. Sort Waste Based on the Types

Sort Waste Based on the Types

Not only dispose of waste wisely, you must sort it based on the types. Types of waste are organic, inorganic, and hazardous waste. 

Sorting waste can make waste management easier since it is all gathered according to the types. It should be noted that each type of waste has its own recycling and processing method.

Not only that, sorting waste prevents waste from piling up and causing disease. Regarding waste sorting, Indonesia Asri has an educational program called Operasi Semut that you can join based on the latest action series. 

Operasi Semut is a form of Chandra Asri Group’s education to the public about the importance of sorting waste before throwing it out. 

Read also: How to Get Rid of Trash: Proper Ways You Should Know!

4. Plant Trees

Plant Trees

With massive deforestation for land opening, the number of trees in Indonesia is decreasing. According to the Ministry of Environment, deforestation in Indonesia in 2021–2022 reached 104 thousand hectares. 

Despite decreasing by around 8% from 2020–2021, deforestation must be considered to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions, prevent changes in the water cycle, prevent natural disasters, and protect flora and fauna.

One activity that can help reforestation is planting trees. You can join environmental community programs to plant trees to reduce the impact of global warming.

5. Recycle Waste

Plastic asphalt

The next environmental care activity you can do is recycling waste. It is important to know that the waste you produce, organically or inorganically, can be leveraged into new products.

For example, you can turn sardine cans into flower pots or vegetable waste into maggot feed. As a result, you not only get useful products from waste but also contribute to preserving the environment.

For plastic waste, you can process it with simple steps such as turning plastic bottles into flower pots. Plastic waste can also be managed with a more advanced process, such as processing plastic into asphalt as done by Chandra Asri Group. 

Plastic asphalt, the result of Chandra Asri Group’s innovation, has increased the quality of road stability by 40% and is used on more than 120 km of roads throughout Indonesia.

6. Choose Public Transportation

Choose Public Transportation

Did you know that according to the latest IQAir World Air Quality Index 2021 report, Indonesia is ranked 17th for the highest air pollution levels in the world? This can continue to be worsened, among others, by the increasing use of vehicles as the population in Indonesia rises.

Therefore, to reduce air pollution caused by vehicles, you can choose public transportation, such as city buses, commuter trains, and many more.

7. Avoid Burning Waste

Avoid Burning Waste

In Indonesia, burning waste is commonly seen in the public. However, this action triggers a new issue: air pollution due to the smoke from burning.

Moreover, not all waste can be burned because it can release chemicals that are harmful to the body. Thus, you should not burn any waste carelessly and it is better to process it wisely.

Read also: Waste in Indonesia: A Statistics Everyone Should Know!

8. Deposit Waste to the Waste Bank

Deposit Waste to the Waste Bank

There are times when you may have a large amount of trash because you have been storing it for a long time. Or, you may not have the capacity to recycle some types of trash.

Don’t worry, if you are in this situation, depositing your waste to a waste bank can be the solution. This activity can help you hand the waste to the right party.

This is important because if you have sorted your waste by type and then handed it over to a scavenger, there is a risk that they will put the sorted waste back together. 

However, if you deposit it in a waste bank, they will process it based on the characteristics and types of waste. In Jakarta, you can find various waste banks that are ready to accommodate your waste, such as Rebricks Indonesia, Rubah Kertas, and Kamibox.

In addition, the Jakarta Government provides waste banks under Dinas Lingkungan Hidup DKI Jakarta which you can find in some spots in this area. 

Interestingly, some waste banks can exchange your waste for money so that you not only preserve the environment but can also feel the material benefits.

9. Maintain the River Ecosystem

Maintain the River Ecosystem

The last environmental care activity is maintaining the river ecosystem. This is important because rivers can provide benefits to the surrounding community if they are well maintained.

The water can be used by residents as a source of household water and the fish can be consumed. On the other hand, if the river ecosystem is polluted, the surrounding community can be affected, such as experiencing water poisoning or disease.

Some efforts to maintain the river ecosystem are not to throw any waste in the river, not to use explosives or hazardous chemicals for fishing, and to plant greens around the river.

Those are the information about environmental care activities you can do to preserve nature. Aside from the activities above, you can contribute more to nature through programs from Indonesia Asri

By registering as a Sobat Asri with Indonesia Asri, you can get the latest information about nature conservation and programs that will be implemented.

Not only that, but you can also get priority access to participate in environmental conservation events held by Indonesia Asri and get exclusive merchandise for community members. What are you waiting for? Register yourself now and be part of Indonesia Asri for a more sustainable environment!

Read also:  Self-Love in an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

By Tim Indonesia Asri
A campaign initiated by Chandra Asri to jointly create a more beautiful Indonesia; An Indonesia with a sustainable environmental perspective can become a legacy for future generations.
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