Why Is Using Too Much Electricity Bad for the Environment?

By Tim Indonesia Asri

Electricity is an important and unseparated daily need because almost all activities require electricity. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, electricity consumption per person in Indonesia reached 1,285 kWh in 2023, higher than in 2022 at 1.173 kWh. 

For this reason, you must save electricity to protect its availability, reduce the environment’s negative impact, and avoid resource waste. 

That way, you are not only saving more electricity costs but also contributing to reducing climate change and protecting the Earth. 

Then, what are the impacts of excessively using electricity and why is using too much electricity bad for the environment? Read the following explanation!

What Are the Impacts of Excessively Using Electricity?

Using electricity excessively can lead to bad impacts, such as high electricity bills, wasting resources, and damaging the environment. 

Below are the complete explanations of the impacts of excessively using electricity:

1. High Electricity Bills

High Electricity Bills

Excessive electricity usage can lead to high electricity bills. This surely can impact your monthly budget, harming the financial plan for unexpected outcomes. 

2. Global Warming

Global Warming

Power plants usually contribute to 25% of global warming. Excessive electricity can emit carbon dioxide, worsening greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the Earth’s temperature. This can lead to climate change and impact negatively on the health and life on the Earth. 

Read also: Solar Panels, Renewable Energy Sources with Countless Benefits!

3. Acid Rain

Acid Rain

If you wonder why is using too much electricity bad for the environment, one of the reasons is that it can lead to acid rain. Acid rain can damage plants, soil, water, buildings, and infrastructure. These adverse effects can last a long time and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.

4. Wasting Energy Resources

Excessive electricity usage can waste energy resources, especially fossil fuels that can be slowly scarce. This habit not only affects the energy availability in the future but also adds more pressure to nature. 

5. Blackout


If you use too much electricity, it can cause a blackout that disturbs daily activity. This blackout can lead to inconvenience, loss of production, and harm many things in people’s lives.

How to Save Electricity

There are many efforts you can make to save electricity, starting from using LED lamps to implementing electricity-saving habits. 

1. Using LED Lamps

Using LED Lamps

The first effort you can make is to change bulbs to LED lamps. Despite its higher price, a 7-watt LED lamp from certain brands can emit light similar to a 60-watt bulb. 

In fact, recently, there have also been LED lamps with wireless features, making them flexible and can be switched as you desire. 

Thus, in spite of spending more, you can get more vivid light with an electricity-saving option compared to conventional bulbs. 

Read also: Top 5 Asian Cities Leading in Electricity Consumption

2. Turning On Lamps Just Right

Turning On Lamps Just Right

Leaving the lamps on all day without using the room is a habit that makes your electricity cost more. Besides, leaving lights on when not in use also wastes electricity.

Whenever a room is not being used, especially for an extended period, make it a habit to turn off the primary lights or any supplementary lights.

3. Unplugging the Cable from the Socket

Unplugging the Cable from the Socket

When the electronics are plugged into the socket when not in use, the electricity will still flow into the devices and waste the electricity. So, make sure to unplug the cable when not in use to save the electricity. 

4. Manage the Use of Electronics with Large Electric Power

Try to check how many electronics in your home need large electric power, such as AC, rice cooker, and washing machine. 

Every electronics has different electric power, making it important to know the power and manage the use wisely based on your needs. 

5. Saving the Electricity Together

Saving the Electricity Together

Implementing energy-efficiency initiatives with your family can help you save the most money on electricity. In addition to conserving more electricity, you can maintain electrical gadgets properly by learning how to save electricity together.

Those are information about the impact of excessively using electricity and why is using too much electricity bad for the environment. 

Along with lowering electricity costs, conserving electricity also helps to cut down on energy waste and adverse environmental effects.

PT Krakatau Chandra Energi, the subsidiary of the Chandra Asri Group, supports the energy transition to a more eco-friendly one. This commitment aligns with the government’s target of achieving net zero emission (NZE) in 2060. 

PT Krakatau Chandra Energi provides electricity services with environmentally friendly energy, such as solar panels and charging stations for electric vehicles (EV stations) in Jakarta and Cilegon. 

As a Warga Asri, you can help build a greener environment by saving electricity. So, let’s support natural preservation by taking part in Indonesia Asri now! Register yourself now!

Read also: 6 Ways to Conserve Energy with a Sustainable Lifestyle

By Tim Indonesia Asri
A campaign initiated by Chandra Asri to jointly create a more beautiful Indonesia; An Indonesia with a sustainable environmental perspective can become a legacy for future generations.
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