Taking care of yourself while taking care of the environment, why not?

#CircleofBeauty is here amidst the growing awareness of self-care through various beauty products, aiming to educate about sustainable beauty.

Event Program
Date : Saturday, 29 October 2022 | 10.00
Location : Online
According to data from the “Cosmetic Packaging Market – Growth, Trends and Forecast (2020-2025),” the packaging used in the cosmetic industry has rapidly evolved in recent years. The materials used vary widely, including metal, glass, paper, and plastic. This growth has been accompanied by an increase in cosmetic packaging waste, which has become unavoidable. Skincare products are now considered essential, but their packaging contributes significantly to waste accumulation in Indonesia.
One potential solution to Indonesia’s waste problem is the implementation of circular economy principles, starting with the practice of waste separation at home. In response, Indonesia Asri, in collaboration with Indonesian beauty influencers, aims to educate and inspire the public to manage cosmetic waste responsibly. The goal is to ensure that cosmetic packaging doesn’t just end up as waste but can be processed into something with higher economic value.
- To raise audience awareness about the importance of managing skincare waste through waste separation (#pilahsampah) before disposal.
- The waste generated can be repurposed into new items, adding economic value.

Event Program
Date : Tuesday,20 February 2024 | 08.00
Location : Zoti (Morissey Hotel Jakarta)
According to data from the “Cosmetic Packaging Market – Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2020-2025),” the packaging used in the cosmetic industry has experienced rapid growth in recent years. The materials used range from metal, glass, and paper to plastic. This growth has been accompanied by an increase in cosmetic packaging waste, which has become unavoidable. Skincare products, now considered essential, contribute significantly to waste accumulation in Indonesia through their packaging.
One potential solution to Indonesia’s waste problem is the adoption of circular economy principles, starting with the practice of waste separation at home. In response, Indonesia Asri, in collaboration with Indonesian beauty influencers, aims to educate and inspire the public to manage cosmetic waste responsibly. The goal is not only to prevent cosmetic packaging from becoming waste but to process it into something that adds greater economic value.
Sharon Rose
Branding Officer ADUPI
Anito Loeki
Brand Owner Mineral Botanica
Kiara Leswara
Beauty Enthusiast
- Education
Educate and encourage the public to be mindful and responsible in their consumption of cosmetic products. - Impactful Community
Maintain and enhance awareness of Indonesia Asri among beauty enthusiasts and the broader community.

Event Program
Date : Thursday, 28 November 2024 I 10.00
Location : Tulum Jakarta
According to Dana Mitra Lingkungan, 300 million tons of plastic are produced worldwide and most of it ends up as waste each year. The personal care industry, such as shampoo, soap and conditioner, is a significant contributor to global plastic waste. However, it is important to remember that this is due to a large amount of non-recycled packaging, such as many personal care products being packaged in single-use plastic bottles, which ultimately contributes to the buildup of plastic waste in the environment.
As consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of single-use plastic packaging, more and more are looking for greener alternatives, such as brands that emphasize sustainability by implementing refill and upcycling concepts. While these concepts are promising, to accelerate the transition towards sustainability, further education and improved waste management infrastructure is needed.
Therefore, Indonesia Asri in collaboration with Rumah Atsiri, which also has a commitment to sustainability, held Circle of Beauty 3.0 to educate the public about the importance of managing personal care packaging waste wisely. Through this activity, Indonesia Asri wants to encourage the application of circular economy principles by starting a lifestyle of sorting waste from home. That way, personal care waste that has been considered useless can be processed into something of higher value, creating a positive impact on the environment and the Indonesian economy.
- Idham Padmaya Mahatma
Representative of Circular Economy & Partnership Chandra Asri Group - Dewanti Subijantoro
Corporate Representative of Rumah Atsiri
- Raising Awareness
Educate the public about the negative impacts of single-use plastics, especially in personal care products, and the importance of reducing global plastic waste.
- Encourage Behavior Change
Encourage consumers to switch to sustainability-first products, such as refillable and upcycling models, to reduce plastic waste. - Accelerating the Sustainability Transition
Highlight the importance of improving infrastructure and consumer education to support the widespread adoption of refill and upcycling concepts in an effort to accelerate the transition to sustainability.
- Successfully attended by 30 participants from various walks of life (20 communities, 5 KOL, 5 Media)
- Successfully expanded the reach of information on waste management and sustainability of personal care products through the presence of media and KOLs