Show Your Love for the Environment in the Month of Love

Hello, Warga Asri!

Here’s a special opportunity for those of you interested in becoming a contributor writer for the Indonesia Asri microsite. We are looking for articles under the theme:

“Growing Love for a Greener Environment”

Article Guidelines:

  • Contributors can submit articles between 300-500 words to
  • Contributors must include references for the sources used in their articles.
  • If your article is selected, the Indonesia Asri team will contact you via email.
  • The copyright of the article remains with the contributor, and you may publish it on other websites, provided you mention that it was first published on
  • Selected articles will earn contributors a benefit of IDR 200,000 in e-money.
  • If you do not receive a confirmation email within one week, it means your article was not selected.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


Understanding Green Jobs and the Facts!

Warga Asri, have you heard the term “green jobs”? This term frequently appeared in recent political […]

by Indonesia Asri
August 8, 2024

Here’s How Moms Can Help Save the Earth from the Climate Crisis

Communities are facing increasingly tangible climate change and environmental crises. Greenpeace Indonesia reports that these conditions […]

by Indonesia Asri
July 2, 2024

How to Teach Kids Sustainable Living for a Better Environment

PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (Chandra Asri Group), a leading chemical and infrastructure solutions company in […]

by Indonesia Asri
June 25, 2024

The Youth Must Care About the Environment

The younger generation must commit to reducing environmental impact through activities that promote environmental conservation and […]

by Indonesia Asri
June 18, 2024

Don’t Throw Used Cooking Oil Away! It Can Be Recycled with Many Benefits!

Who doesn’t love fried foods? Behind their deliciousness, there’s cooking oil used to fry our favorite […]

by Indonesia Asri
June 11, 2024

Grassroots Movement Leads to Creation of 150 Waste Banks in Solo

Denok Marty Astuti had a simple dream: to transform Solo, her hometown, into a clean, green, […]

by Indonesia Asri
May 27, 2024