Simple Ways to Improve Air Quality

Source : Freepik

Recently, the poor air quality in Jakarta has been making headlines. According to, Jakarta ranked 10th for the worst air quality in the world as of October 2023. But what exactly is causing this phenomenon?

It’s undeniable that motor vehicles are one of the major contributors to air pollution in the capital. According to the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya during a Limited Cabinet Meeting at the State Palace, Jakarta (August 14, 2023), the transportation sector in the capital contributes up to 44% of fuel usage, resulting in approximately 28,317 tons of carbon monoxide (CO) emissions annually.

So, what can we do as individuals to help reduce air pollution?

Be Wise in Using Transportation

One of the first steps we can take is to reduce the use of personal motor vehicles. If Warga Asri (a term used for residents) are traveling to a nearby location, consider walking or cycling instead. Additionally, try using public transportation, especially for those living in the capital.

Public transportation in Jakarta has improved and is more integrated, with affordable ticket prices. Compared to using private vehicles, taking public transport can reduce carbon emissions and be more economical!

Another option is to consider using electric vehicles (EV) or hybrids. Currently, the government is even collaborating with local electric vehicle manufacturers to accelerate the transition from fossil fuel vehicles. By using electric vehicles, Warga Asri would already be contributing to a 56% reduction in emissions.

Switch to Renewable Energy

Lately, Renewable Energy (RE) has been increasingly used, both in industry and retail. One commonly chosen source of RE is solar energy, such as through the installation of solar panels. Learn more about solar panels as a source of RE in this article.

No one knows your needs and your ability to make the switch better than you do. A greener Indonesia isn’t just a dream, but our collective future, as long as we make small, daily choices to move in that direction. Let’s be wise in making decisions for a greener Indonesia!






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