Why Humans Play a Crucial Role in Environmental Conservation

By Tim Indonesia Asri

Kids, did you know that we, as humans, have a responsibility to protect the environment?

The environment is the place where humans and other living creatures coexist.

That’s why it’s important for us, as sentient beings, to recognize our duty to preserve the environment from pollution and damage.

Humans, with their numerous daily needs and demands, often push for excessive exploration or exploitation of natural resources.

When exploitation happens, it can lead to environmental degradation, Kids.

This damage can have negative effects on human life, particularly for future generations.

Environmental destruction can lead to natural disasters that harm living creatures.

Habitat destruction and extinction are severe consequences of such disasters, whether caused by natural or human factors, Kids.

Using natural resources is acceptable as long as it’s not excessive and the balance is maintained.

Excessive exploitation indicates that humans are becoming greedy and not considering the sustainability of natural resources for the future.

So, what are the goals of environmental conservation?

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Human Role in Environmental Conservation

Conserving the environment is a duty for humans as rational beings with the ability and knowledge, Kids.

Environmental conservation efforts can start from our daily habits.

We begin with small, close-to-home actions, carried out consistently, to inspire and set an example for others or the community.

The goals of environmental conservation efforts include:

  • Controlling the use of natural resources wisely and prudently
  • Fostering human responsibility as stewards and partners in environmental conservation
  • Implementing sustainable development with environmental awareness for the benefit of current and future generations
  • Ensuring environmental balance as a reflection of harmony between humans and their living environment

So, besides being part of our responsibility, keeping the environment pristine and free from pollution and natural disasters caused by human actions is important, Kids.

As thinking beings, we must recognize our significant role in ensuring the environment remains protected from damage in the future.

So, don’t hesitate to start with yourself, okay?

Author :Ayu Amalya Ma’as

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By Tim Indonesia Asri
A campaign initiated by Chandra Asri to jointly create a more beautiful Indonesia; An Indonesia with a sustainable environmental perspective can become a legacy for future generations.
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