#AksiAsri Operasi Semut
A small step through "Operasi Semut #pilahsampah" before disposing of waste for a greener Indonesia.

#AksiAsri Operasi Semut
#AksiAsri Operasi Semut is a sustainable environment-based activity by Chandra Asri, managed by the Forum Indonesia Asri. This activity focuses on educating the public about the importance of waste separation (#pilahsampah) before disposal.

Event Program
Date : Monday, 29 January 2023 | 06.30
Location : Car Free Day Jakarta
According to the Indonesian Statistics report, COVID-19 cases in 2023 decreased by 10.2% compared to 2022. As a result, people have become more enthusiastic about outdoor activities such as Car Free Day (CFD), concerts, exhibitions, and other events. On the other hand, the waste generated from these offline events has also surged. Quoted from Liputan6.com, a single offline event like a concert can generate 6.2 tons of waste in just three days. Meanwhile, during CFD (Car Free Day), up to 5 tons of waste can be generated in a single day.
A survey by Katadata Insight Center (KIC) shows that Indonesians are still not fully aware of the importance of waste separation at the household level. The waste produced can be managed into new items with economic value. Responding to this condition, the Chandra Asri Group, through the Indonesia Asri campaign, organized the #pilahsampah activity to educate the public about the circular economy by applying the practice of waste separation (#pilahsampah) before disposal, to create a greener Indonesia.

Event Program
Date : Monday, 28 May 2023 | 06.30
Location : Car Free Day Jakarta
According to the Indonesian Statistics report, COVID-19 cases in 2023 decreased by 10.2% compared to 2022. As a result, people have become more enthusiastic about outdoor activities such as Car Free Day (CFD), concerts, exhibitions, and other events. On the other hand, the waste generated from these offline events has also surged. Quoted from Liputan6.com, a single offline event like a concert can generate 6.2 tons of waste in just three days. Meanwhile, during CFD (Car Free Day), up to 5 tons of waste can be generated in a single day.
A survey by Katadata Insight Center (KIC) stated that Indonesian residents do not yet fully understand the importance of waste separation starting from their households. Seeing this condition, the Chandra Asri Group, through the Indonesia Asri campaign, organized the #pilahsampah activity to educate the public about the circular economy through the practice of waste separation before disposal.

Event Program
Date : Monday, 8 October 2023 | 06.30
Location : Plaza Senayan
According to the BMKG website, one of the causes of extreme heat waves in Indonesia is global warming. This trend of global warming is also caused by the accumulation of waste dumped in landfills. Poorly managed waste produces methane and ethene gases that contribute to global warming.
Referring to this issue, Indonesia Asri is committed to applying the principles of the circular economy, where we invite all Warga Asri and the public to start adopting the practice of waste separation (#pilahsampah) and proper waste disposal (#buangsampah). This initiative is realized through the #AksiAsri Operasi Semut.

Event Program
Date : Monday, 22 October 2023 | 06.30
Location : GBK
According to the BMKG website, one of the causes of extreme heat waves in Indonesia is global warming. This trend of global warming is also caused by the accumulation of waste dumped in landfills. Poorly managed waste produces methane and ethene gases that contribute to global warming.
Referring to this issue, Indonesia Asri is committed to applying the principles of the circular economy, where we invite all Warga Asri and the public to start adopting the practice of waste separation (#pilahsampah) and proper waste disposal (#buangsampah). This initiative is realized through the #AksiAsri Operasi Semut.

Event Program
Date : Sunday, 2 June 2024 | 14.15
Location : Kota Tua Jakarta
The success of previous Operasi Semut events has motivated Indonesia Asri to continue educating, inspiring, and motivating people to participate in efforts to preserve the earth. Therefore, Indonesia Asri is organizing Operation Semut Vol 5 on June 2, 2024, coinciding with World Environment Day on June 5, 2024. This event will be held in Kota Tua, Jakarta. This location was chosen because we see the potential for educating various community groups to raise awareness about waste separation culture.

Event Program
Date : Sabtu, 12 October 2024 I 07.45 - Minggu, 13 October 2024 I 08.45
Location : Istora Senayan, Jakarta (Jakarta Running Festival)
Indonesia Asri is committed to applying the principles of the circular economy, where we invite all Warga Asri and the public to start adopting the practice of waste separation (#pilahsampah) and proper waste disposal (#buangsampah). This initiative is realized through the #AksiAsri Operasi Semut.
The success of the previous Operasi Semut has encouraged Indonesia Asri to continue to educate, inspire, and motivate the community in environmental conservation efforts. Therefore, Indonesia Asri once again held Operasi Semut Vol. 6 and Vol. 7. The event took place at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, on Saturday, 12 October 2024, and Sunday, 13 October 2024, coinciding with the Jakarta Running Festival.
We chose to hold this event at the Jakarta Running Festival as a form of concern for the waste that arises during sporting events, given the increasing frequency of organizing sports and music events. We wanted to actively participate in a trending event within the community to provide education and engage more young people in the waste-sorting culture.
In this Operasi Semut, Sobat Asri managed to collect 75 kg of waste, which represents a real step toward realizing a waste-sorting culture and a cleaner environment. We believe that small contributions from each individual can create a big impact on the environment.