Various Liquid Waste That’s Surprisingly Beneficial – What Are They?


Did you know that managing household waste can be a good habit with a big impact? Maybe Warga Asri has already started sorting waste, but there’s another type of household waste that often goes unnoticed—liquid waste. What kinds of liquid waste come from households, and how can they be utilized? Find out by reading this article to the end!

AC Condensate Water

If you usually discard the condensate water from your AC, try using it to water your plants. Not only is the water clean and clear, but it also doesn’t contain any additional substances.

Besides watering plants, AC condensate water can be used for household cleaning tasks, such as cleaning windows, mopping floors, cleaning furniture, and even washing sandals and shoes.

Instant Noodle Cooking Water

Who would have thought that the water used to cook instant noodles could actually be beneficial for watering plants? If Warga Asri is a plant lover or gardening expert, don’t waste the water used to cook instant noodles. Some studies show that watering plants with instant noodle cooking water can have positive effects, such as faster plant growth compared to using regular water. This is because instant noodle cooking water contains a high level of minerals. The dissolved starch also acts as a fertilizer for plants. Just make sure to let the water cool to room temperature before using it, Warga Asri!

Rice Washing Water

Do you often wash rice and then just throw away the water? It’s time to change that habit. The water left after washing rice, often considered dirty, can actually offer many benefits when properly processed!

Rice water is rich in gamma-oryzanol, which is known to protect the skin from UV damage and brighten the face. The vitamin E it contains is also believed to prevent signs of aging. No wonder rice water is often used as a base ingredient in cosmetics.

So, how can you prepare rice water for facial use?

  • Warga Asri simply needs to take ½ cup of rice and wash it thoroughly in a bowl.
  • Replace the first washing water, but don’t throw it away, as it can also be used to water plants!
  • Then, add 2-3 cups of water to the bowl of washed rice, and let it sit for 30 minutes to produce clearer water.
  • Next, strain the rice water into a clean bowl, and it’s ready to use. The rice is also ready to be cooked!

However, Warga Asri should be cautious before using rice water on the face, especially if you have sensitive skin. It’s best to consult a dermatologist first!

Managing household liquid waste can help reduce monthly water bills, too, right? If this information is new to you, don’t forget to share it with your circle! Let’s start practicing simple waste management and sorting from home!


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